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​21.  M. Gaither-Ganim†, S. Newlon†, M. Anderson, and B. Lee* “Organic Molecule Single-Photon SourcesOxford Open Mater. Sci. 3, itac017 (2022), Invited Review.

20B. Lee, B. Pursley, S. Carter, S. Economou, M. Yakes, J. Grim, A. Bracker, D. Gammon, “Spin-dependent quantum optics in a quantum dot moleculePhysical Review B 100, 125438 (2019).

19.  S. Carter, A. Bracker, M. Yakes, M. Zalalutdinov, M. Kim, C.-S. Kim, B. Lee, D. Gammon, “Tunable coupling of a double quantum dot spin system to a mechanical resonatorNano Letters 9, 6166 (2019).

18.  J. Grim, A. Bracker, M. Zalalutdinov, S. Carter, A. Kozen, M. Kim, C. S. Kim, J. T. Mlack, M. Yakes, B. Lee, and D. Gammon, “Scalable in operando strain tuning in nanophotonic waveguides enabling three-quantum-dot superradianceNature Materials 18, 963 (2019).
17.  W. Liu, Yuhui Wang, C. H. Naylor, B. Lee, Biyuan Zheng, Gerui Liu, A. T. C. Johnson, Anlian Pan and R. Agarwal, “Understanding different exciton-plasmon coupling regimes in two-dimensional semiconductors coupled with plasmonic lattices: a combined experimental and unified equations of motion approachACS Photonics 5, 192-204 (2018).
16B. Lee† , W. Liu† , C. H. Naylor, J. Park, S. Malek, J. Berger, A. T. C. Johnson and R. Agarwal, “Electrical tuning of exciton-plasmon polariton coupling in MoS2 integrated with plasmonic nanoantenna latticeNano Letters 17, 4541-4547 (2017).
15.  W. Liu† , B. Lee† , C. H. Naylor, H. Ee, J. Park, A. T. C. Johnson and R. Agarwal, “Strong excitonplasmon coupling in MoS2 coupled with plasmonic latticeNano Letters 16, 1262-1269 (2016).
14B. Lee† , J. Park † , G. Han, H. Ee, C. H. Naylor, W. Liu, A. T. C. Johnson and R. Agarwal, “Fano resoanance and spectrally modified to photoluminescence enhancement in monolayer MoS2 integrated with plasmonic nanoantenna arrayNano Letters 15, 3646-3653 (2015).
13.  G. Han, N. Kaybert, C. H. Naylor, B. Lee, J. Ping, J. Park, J. Kang, S. Lee, Y. Lee, R. Agarwal and A. T. C. Johnson, “Seeded growth of highly crystalline molybdenum disulfide monolayers at controlled locationNature Communications 6, Article number : 6128 (2015).
12B. Lee, Y. Chen, A. Cook, A. Zakhidov and V. Podzorov, “Stable doping of Carbon Nanotubes via molecular self assemblyJournal of Applied Physics 116, 144503 (2014).
11B. Lee† , Y. Chen† , D. Fu, H. Yi, K. Czelen, H. Najafov and V. Podzorov, “Trap healing and ultralow-noise Hall effect at the surface of organic semiconductorNature Materials 12, 1125 (2013).
10.  Y. Chen, B. Lee, H. Yi, S. S. Lee, M. M. Payne, S. Pola, C. –H. Kuo, Y. –L. Loo, J. E. Anthony, Y. T. Tao and V. Podzorov, “Dynamic character of charge transport parameters in disordered organic semiconductor field-effect transistorsPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, 14142 (2012).
9.  Y. Chen, B. Lee, D. Fu and V. Podzorov, “The origin of 650nm photoluminescence band in RubreneAdvanced Materials 23, 5370 (2011).

8.  D. J. Ellison, B. Lee, V. Podzorov and C. D. Frisbie, “Surface potential mapping of SAMfunctionalized organic semiconductors by Kelvin Probe Force MicroscopyAdvanced Materials 23, 502 (2011).

7.  H. Najafov, B. Lee, Q. Zhou, L. C. Feldman and V. Podzorov, “Observation of long-range exciton diffusion in highly ordered organic semiconductorsNature Materials 9, 938 (2010).
6B. Lee, A. Wan, D. Mastrogiovanni, J. E. Anthony, E. Garfunkel and V. Podzorov, “Origin of the bias stress instability in organic field-effect transistorsPhysical Review B 82, 085302 (2010).
5.  B. Lee, Y. Chen, F. Duerr, D. Mastrogiovanni, E. Garfunkel, E. Y. Andrei and V. Podzorov, “Modification of electronic properties of graphene with self-assembled monolayersNano Letters 10, 2427-2432 (2010). Page 4 of 5 Presentations
4.  O. Khatib, B. Lee, J. Yuen, Z. Q. Li, M. Di Ventra, A. J. Heeger, V. Podzorov, and D. N. Basov, “Infrared signatures of high carrier densities induced in semiconducting poly(3-hexylthiophene) by fluorinated organosilane molecules Journal of Applied Physics 107, 123702 (2010).
3.  W. Leszek, S. Katalinic, B. Lee, M. Connors, E. Garfunkel, L.C. Feldman and V. Podzorov, “Ionscattering analysis of self-assembled monolayers of silanes on organic semiconductorsNucl. Inst. & Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. B-Beam. Intraction Mater. Atoms 268, 1889-1892 (2010).
2.  B. Lee, T.-J. Choi, S.-W. Cheong and V. Podzorov, “Nanoscale conducting channels at the surface of organic semiconductors formed by decoration of molecular steps with self-assembled moleculesAdvanced Functional Materials 19, 3726-3730 (2009).
1.  C.-Y. Kao, B. Lee, L. S. Wielunski, M. Heeney, I. McCulloch, E. Garfunkel, L. C. Feldman and V. Podzorov, “Doping of conjugated polythiophenes with alkyl silanesAdvanced Functional Materials 19, 1906-1911 (2009).

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